Message from the Chairperson

“The holistic change of the society depends on the functions of economic, social, cultural and political awareness of the people”

                                             Madan Kumar Bhandari

Dear well-wishers,

It is a pride for me to welcome you all to Madan Bhandari Memorial Academy Nepal. It is the institution of higher education, a means for achieving broader social aspirations. Undoubtedly, to develop a person intellectually and aesthetically, higher education is a must.

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Mr. Romnath Oli

Chairperson, Madan Bhandari Memorial Academy Nepal

Message from the Executive Director

Dear students, parents, and academicians,

It is an immense pleasure for me to welcome you to Madan Bhandari Memorial Academy Nepal (MBMAN) established in 1993. From the outset, it has been producing human resources for the engineering, medical, and agricultural fields.

The Academy is a growing and spreading institution that aspires to cater to the nation’s need. It is one of the largest community academic institutions in Nepal.

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Prof. Binod Aryal

Executive Director, MBMAN

General Info

Chairperson: Mr. Romnath Oli

Executive Director: Prof. Binod Aryal

Grade Levels: Pre-Diploma, Diploma, Bachelor and Master’s Degree



Quick Info

Programs & Facilities

Madan Bhandari Memorial Academy Nepal have the Engineering, Architecture, Diploma and Pre-Diploma Courses. 

October 10, 2024
Master's Degree
Master of Science in Construction Management 2 years

School of Science and Technology

Polytechnical Institute

Damak, Jhapa

School of Nursing

Bhadrapur, Jhapa

About Us

Madan Bhandari Memorial Academy Nepal is an educational institute situated in Nepal providing technical and vocational education for the upcoming generation and is executing the educational development as per the vision of the late Madan Kumar Bhandari. 

Head Office is situated at Urlabari-03, Morang where educational and non-educational institutes are coordinated. 

Schools include Madan Bhandari College of Engineering, School of Science and Technology, School of Agriculture, Polytechnical Institute and School of Nursing.

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Bachelor's Degree in Engineering
Bachelor in Civil Engineering 4 years
Bachelor in Computer Engineering 4 years
Bachelor in Architecture 5 years
Bachelor's Degree in Science and Technology
Bachelor in Information Technology 4 years
Bachelor of Science (Hons.) in Ag. 4 years

Offfice Hours

S-F: 10am – 4pm
Weekends: Closed

Phone & Email

021-410213, 9801615521

Certificate Level (Diploma)
Diploma in Civil Engineering 3 years
I.Sc. Ag. Plant Science 3 years
I.Sc. Ag. Animal Science 3 years
PCL General Medicine 3 Years
T.S.L.C. (Pre-Diploma)
Pre-Diploma in Civil Engineering 18 months
L.P./A.H. 18 months